Italian, French and English classes

One-to-one lesson

1 hour lesson = £55  
Special offers! Book a free trial lesson.

Online or face-to-face

This type of lesson is especially useful where students have particular needs or when they wish to learn very intensively. The lesson is highly specialised and flexible, depending entirely upon the needs of the student. 

Group lesson

1 hour lesson = £30 per student

Online or face-to-face
(Up to 6 students)

Group work allows all students to work together on a task and to learn from each other. The teacher has the role of manager and facilitator: controlling the group dynamic, deciding on interaction patterns and enabling learners to fulfil their potential.

Conversation lesson

1 hour lesson = £30 per student

Online or face-to-face
(Up to 6 students)

As with any skill, practice is crucial, and conversation lessons help students strengthen their speaking abilities. The teacher has the role of prompter, participant and feedback provider.